Although we do not want to be known as a “school,” individual teaching available by appointment may include:
Self Massage: basic, intermediate levels
Warm-ups/Preparation for Pactice
Eight Silk Brocades
Taiji qigong
Wuji gong
Concise competition form Chen style taijiquan
Concise competition form Yang style taijiquan
Tendon releasing skill
Wild Goose qigong: first set, second set
Life preserving qigong
Health protecting qigong massage
Practical use of Chinese herbs
Chinese home cooking
Chinese language
Basic theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Five elements theory of nutrition
Meridian energy: a deeper understanding
Meridian energy work for emotional balancing
Daoist meditation: basic, advanced levels
Tapping sequence for rebalancing and maintenance
Six healing sounds
Eight extraordinary vessels
Other related topics by request

Who studies at the hermitage?
Serious students who are willing to dedicate time each day to daoist lifestyle practices may apply to study at the hermitage as day students. There is a screening process for applicants for residency. Established students who are known to the hermitage may apply for residency at Level I: for a pre-arranged period of time, Level II for an indefinite length of time, Disciples (after initiation) for a committed length of time for the purpose of intensive training, or Masters who make a commitment to be long-term residents of the hermitage who demonstrate advanced level of practice. Students in residence sign a Resident Policy Statement which describes, in detail, the conditions and responsibilities of the student. Students in residence are financially self-supporting. The hermitage does not offer work-study scholarships or work trades.